My Kind of Scene

Under Cover Down Under (Part 1)

Cara Diaria Season 1 Episode 3

This two-part episode explores the history and merits of cover songs in Australian pop music. We’ll try to answer the question: is recording a cover song a good way to make, or break, an Aussie artist’s career? We begin our journey with a surprisingly successful cover of a stoner-rock band, by everybody’s favorite kids band. Then we travel back in time to the 60s, where lots of white guys named Johnny had hits with other people’s songs. We meet the mighty women of the 70s, who each defined their sound with well-chosen covers. We hear how pop, disco and blues records of the past were eightiesified (is that a word?) by new wavers, models and soapie stars, and pause our journey at the dawn of the 1990s.

Find the episode playlist on the Spotify Cara Diaria artist page.  Send questions or compliments to mykindofscenepod[@]


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